Crystal Clear Digital Camera ($2,015) - Landscape and Portrait modes, flash control, Zoom functionality, small to large pictures available.Zoom functionality available, medium pictures available. Appreciably Average Digital Camera ($670) - Landscape and Portrait modes, flash control.Landscape and Portrait modes, flash control.
You can also use your Sim's phone to get started, but don't expect much money with bad pictures. Three different Cameras may be purchased in Buy Mode. In general, the more you're willing to pay, the better quality your photos, which affects price. There, you'll find the 3 Cameras offered. Buying a Camera is as simple as going to Buy Mode > Objects by Room > Study > Hobbies & Skills. You may want to make your Sim Creative so that they'll randomly get Inspired buffs, which helps with the Photography Skill. We also have a new patch for The Sims 4's photography skill that allows players to make adjustments and stand photos on tables. The Sims 4 Photography Patch and Game Health News